In snippet-test.liquid:

Liquid error (snippets/snippet-test line 2): wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 2)

Shop by Category

Create a linklist with title Category Filter for links to show here.

Shop by Price

Create a linklist with title Price Filter for links to show here.

Shop by Brand

Create a linklist with title Brand Filter for links to show here.


My second article

Posted by development shop on February 28, 2012 (0 Comments)

Just testing how things look.


First Post

Posted by Shopify on August 11, 2011 (3 Comments)

This is your blog. You can use it to write about new product launches, experiences, tips or other news you want your customers to read about.

We automatically create an Atom Feed for all your blog posts.
This allows your customers to subscribe to new articles using one of many feed readers (e.g. Google Reader, News Gator, Bloglines).
